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New Moon Bright Sister Circle ~ Fierce Love: ‘I stand in my power with clear boundaries’

  • Bright Yoga Space 104 Gavan Street Bright, VIC, 3741 Australia (map)
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The New Moon is such a powerful time to come together as a community! Each new moon, we gather in circle to hold space for each other as women. All are invited to explore the theme for the month with inquiry, journalling, meditation, sharing and exercises. We invite in new intentions to align with living our fullest and brightest lives.

What does it mean for us when we come together as women and hold space for each other? To have the courage to show up just as we are. To create a safe container where we are invited to truly shine our brightest. To share from our hearts and evoke a deep alchemy within ourselves, and while courageously and vulnerably sharing our own truth, something we may say might be the seed of wisdom that lands in the heart of another woman, to inspire, to support, to empower. 

It means support. It means connection. It means inclusiveness and sisterhood. It means freedom. 


This month, we explore the theme of Fierce Love: ‘I stand in my power with clear boundaries’.

Aries is a fire sign, ruled by Mars. It invites us to draw on the qualities of action, being direct, reclaiming personal power, set clear boundaries and needs, be protective, be fierce, be unwavering, taking a stand, be dynamic, and to take initiation.

Fierce love -- tis’ the season for revolution . 

Not only are we seeing a global rise in social justice movements, gender equality and climate change advocacy, collectively we are experiencing a rise in awareness.  All over the world, we are observing the systems that are not serving the greater good, and we are taking responsibility for the ways we uphold these systems through our beliefs, actions, or inactions. 

But, what is it that is provoking that awareness?



We are standing up for our truth, speaking our needs, and not backing down even if that means people are uncomfortable or upset by us. 

This begins on the personal level, as always. 

As within, so without.

This theme is about getting honest about where you are not getting your needs met. Where you might be lying to yourself, infact. Is there a conversation you need to have? Is there a scary ask you need to make? Where can you stretch yourself so we can be more energetically resourced so you can continue to give?

Boundaries are strongly related to love, to true self-love, and the ever-going, ever-changing process of learning to truly love ourselves. In this theme, we are called to the power of love within us. The fierce love demonstrated by the sign of Aries asks us how we can rise to protect ourselves, our families, and our Earth. It shows us that to stand in our power and to claim our boundaries is not an act of rebellion, it’s an act of reverence.

This theme will help us explore how we can grow into a sacred protectressess of truth, love, harmony, and justice. This journey begins in our own hearts, trickles into our relationships, and then impacts the world at large. This is about power with, and not power over. No one has power over you, you are the creator of your reality.

Welcome, sister, to the new moon in Aries.


The New Moon Bright Sister Circle, hosted by Kylie, is all about connecting, checking in with and holding space for each other, so we can align our actions & rise together in sisterhood. This is our safe and sacred space for sisterhood connection. If you are a women, or identify as one, you are welcome here, to be seen, be heard, and be held exactly as you are. No experience necessary. Just a willingness to show up just as you are. A safe and supportive environment were you can be held in connection. 

Generally, circles go something like this:
We will sit in circle, with invitation to share. We will open with a meditation, and exploration of the theme. We will then journey through some enquiry, journalling, do an exercise and a ritual, with further opportunity to share, and close with a meditation and a reading. 

Please bring what you need to feel comfortable to sit on the floor on a bolster in our circle. If you need a chair, please let me know. Further details in special instructions upon booking.

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