Our classes are rooted in traditional Tantrik Hatha Yoga with a focus on alignment, embodied mindfulness & breath, and infused with themes that invite you to take your practice into your life.
As Yoga and meditation teachers, and circle facilitators, we acknowledge the traditions and cultures of the practices that we share, particularly the cultures of the South Asian region. We acknowledge the history of colonisation and cultural extraction. We deeply respect their lineage, the ancestors that allowed these teachings to find their way to us.
We are grateful also for the wisdom that has been passed on through our own ancestors and blood lines, and we deeply acknowledge the culture and wisdom of the un-ceded lands of the First People of Australia where we live.
And, we bow to the wisdom that lies within all of us.
Yoga @ Bright Yoga Space
We share Yoga as mindful, embodied movement. The benefits of Yoga can be powerful and wide-ranging:
building capacity for present moment awareness
enhancing mind-body connection
strengthening and mobilising your body
building proprioceptive awareness
decreasing stress and anxiety
developing focus
regulating and restoring your nervous system
building resilience
enhancing connection with yourself, others and the earth.
Class Styles
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga Flow includes meditation, pranayama (breathwork), asana (poses), mantra (chanting) and more.
All practices are taught in an accessible way, with invitational and inclusive language that invites you to allow this practice to meet you where you are in your body, in the moment. Ranging from gentle to accessibly dynamic flowing style of yoga that focusses on healthy alignment of asana (poses) and simple pranayama (breathwork).
You will be guided into mindful movement exploring variations on sun salutes and other common shapes and sequences found in our other flow classes. Including conscious pranayama (breath work) and deep savasana (final relaxation).
This practice is designed to open, strengthen and lengthen your physical body, enable you to access deeper breaths, calm and ground your nervous system, and invite you to conscious presence. This class is a great place to start if you are unsure about our other classes or new to yoga.
Yin yoga is a passive practice, where floor postures are held for long periods with a focus on opening up and letting go. As we access deeper layers of connective tissue and fascia, we are able to release pent up or stagnant energies and stiffness in the body, with an opportunity to truly turn inwards with mindful awareness. This practice becomes a healing balm for the mind, body and heart. A wonderfully nourishing practice for today's fast paced and often stressful lifestyles. This practice is suitable for beginners but not suitable during pregnancy.