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Beginner Yoga Course

  • Bright Yoga Space 104C Gavan Street Bright, VIC, 3741 Australia (map)
Beginner Yoga Course.png

Wednesday 24 February - Wednesday 24 March 5.30 - 7pm

$200 upfront or a payment plan of 2 X $100 payments.

Our Beginner Yoga Course is a wonderful 5-week journey breaking down the basics of our Yoga practice. Yoga can help to improve strength and flexibility, improve digestion, reduce stress, increase alertness, as well as sleep, and boost your immune system.

You will complete this course feeling confident about joining a general Yoga class or creating a practice for yourself at home. Expect to learn techniques and tools to feel more connected with your body, able to modify shapes to suit your own needs, develop an improved capacity for breathing and integrated concepts of mindfulness into your practice and life. 

You'll learn to:

  • Build postures from the foundation up

  • Breathe more consciously and using a greater capacity of your lungs

  • Link movement with breath to create a flowing sequence of shapes (including sun salutations)

  • Adapt postures and sequences for YOUR own body

  • Integrate simple yogic philosophy into your practice (and life)

  • Create the container for a Yoga class (including opening and closing a class wth intention and dedication)

  • Incorporate some simple meditation techniques into your practice

This is not simply a series of Yoga classes at a slower pace. This course has been designed very specifically to take you on a journey from the very foundations to feeling confident to join a regular Yoga class, or your own home practice, empowered to be kind yet also challenge yourself to grow.

This course is for you if:

  • you have wanted to try Yoga but felt some resistance to joining a general class,

  • you are looking to strip your practice right back to the basics and the roots of Yoga

  • you want to return to Yoga from injury or a long break in a safe and supportive way.

We can all bring beginners mind to our practice!

Course outline:

Week 1: What is Yoga?

An overview of the ancient and modern practice of Yoga, its benefits and how we move and breathe. We’ll practice a simple slow flow to move our body in different ways.

Week 2: Movement with breath

A progression from week 1 to learn some variations on the Sun Salutation sequence focussing on moving with breath. We will also explore intention setting, Yogic breathing and some more standing and floor based shapes with our bodies.

Week 3: Ground, ignite and balance

This week we explore activation of our feet, core and stabilising muscles through standing & balancing shapes and targeted exercises.

Week 4: Yin & mindfulness

We slow things down this week with a Yin yoga sequence and an introduction to calming breath and meditation.

Week 5: Integration

Our final week is a way of putting together everything you have learned and contemplating the ‘goal’ of our Yoga practice, how to create and commit to a practice (Sadhana) and how to take our Yoga off the mat and integrate what we learn in our life.


** Course includes handouts and some video resources

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