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New Moon Bright Sister Circle ~ Sovereign Woman

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The New Moon is such a powerful time to come together as a community! Each new moon, we gather in circle (currently online) to hold space for each other as women. All are invited to explore the theme for the month with inquiry, journalling, meditation, sharing and exercises. We invite in new intentions to align with living our fullest and brightest lives.

The New Moon Bright Sister Circle, hosted by Kylie, is all about connecting, checking in with and holding space for each other, so we can align our actions & rise together in sisterhood. This is our safe and sacred space for sisterhood connection. If you are a women, or identify as one, you are welcome here, to be seen and be heard, exactly as you are.

What does it mean for us when we come together as women and hold space for each other? To have the courage to show up just as we are. To create a safe container where we are invited to truly shine our brightest. To share from our hearts and evoke a deep alchemy within ourselves, and while courageously and vulnerably sharing our own truth, something we may say might be the seed of wisdom that lands in the heart of another woman, to inspire, to support, to empower. 

It means support. It means connection. It means inclusiveness and sisterhood. It means freedom. 

This month, we explore the theme of Sovereign Woman: “I rise above society’s expectations”. As our new moon falls in Virgo, an earth sign, we are invited to get honest and cut the cords of behaviours that drain our power. The new moon in Virgo invites us to get organised and to clean out the junk that has been hiding in our emotional closets.

A Sovereign Woman: a truly empowered woman who is whole unto herself, who cannot be owned or completed by anyone because she completes herself. And no other man or woman can take that away
— Global Sisterhood

We will take an honest look at what has been below the surface of ourselves and whether inherited or learned behaviours and patterns have been taking our power away. We must reclaim our sovereign power by leaning into discomfort, shining a light into the dark corners where we feel fear of judgement, rejection, or abandonment in order to stand humbly, beautifully, and powerful in our truth.

This new moon is a time to rise up into our sovereign wholeness, to let go of behaviours that hold us back or give our power away. It is a time to choose to define yourself as the whole and Sovereign Woman that you are.

To book:

  1. Select the event below by clicking on the description.

  2. Select the date.

  3. Set your time zone.

  4. Follow the prompts to finalise your booking.

    1. NOTE: If you are a Haven Member, enter your discount code to bring your ticket price to zero as this is included in your monthly membership.

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