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New Moon Bright Sister Circle ~ Fearlessly Me

NEW MOON CIRCLE Facebook Event Cover (1).png

Monday 17 August 2020 | 8pm - 9:30 pm | Online via Zoom


The New Moon is such a powerful time to come together as a community! Each new moon, we gather in circle (currently online) to hold space for each other as women. All are invited to explore the theme for the month with inquiry, journalling, meditation, sharing and exercises. We invite in new intentions to align with living our fullest and brightest lives.

The New Moon Bright Sister Circle, hosted by Kylie, is all about connecting, checking in with and holding space for each other, so we can align our actions & rise together in sisterhood. This is our safe and sacred space for sisterhood connection. If you are a women, or identify as one, you are welcome here, to be seen and be heard, exactly as you are.

What does it mean for us when we come together as women and hold space for each other? To have the courage to show up just as we are. To create a safe container where we are invited to truly shine our brightest. To share from our hearts and evoke a deep alchemy within ourselves, and while courageously and vulnerably sharing our own truth, something we may say might be the seed of wisdom that lands in the heart of another woman, to inspire, to support, to empower. 

It means support. It means connection. It means inclusiveness and sisterhood. It means freedom. 

This month, we explore the theme of Fearlessly Me: I let myself be seen. As our new moon falls in Leo, a fire sign, we are invited to fearlessly show up as ourselves. The new moon in Leo invites us to realign around our fearless self-expression and create an opportunity for deep healing around self-love, self-esteem, and confidence.

Envision every woman in the world fearlessly, courageously, and unapologetically sharing all that she is — allowing her true self to shine in every situation. 
— Global Sisterhood

Have you been hiding a truth of yours that you have been afraid to let be seen for fear of judgement or criticism? Perhaps you have a gift that you have been afraid to share with the world? Or perhaps you have felt unsafe to share a part of yourself or to fully be you.

This new moon is a time for us to choose to be seen, to fearless be and express ourselves and our authentic truth. 

We will remove the masks that are placed to protect us, yet when we do, a deep alchemy occurs when we choose to allow our truths to be received. In presence, in voice, in light, in all our beautiful mosaic of experiences, our soulful gifts are here to be shared with the world. 

A deep alchemy occurs when we choose to expose our authentic selves as a sacred act. As we realign around our fearless self-expression, we also create an opportunity for deep healing around self-love, self-esteem and confidence. 
— Global Sisterhood

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  1. Select the event below by clicking on the description.

  2. Select the date.

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  4. Follow the prompts to finalise your booking.

    1. NOTE: If you are a Haven Member, enter your discount code to bring your ticket price to zero as this is included in your monthly membership.

20 July

New Moon Bright Sister Circle ~ Ancestral Healing

17 September

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