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New Moon Bright Sister Circle ~ ‘Self Mastery: Every choice I make is aligned with my truth’

  • Bright Yoga Space Freeburgh Hall, Great Alpine Road Freeburgh, VIC, 3741 Australia (map)
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The New Moon is such a powerful time to come together as a community! Each new moon, we gather in circle to hold space for each other as women. All are invited to explore the theme for the month with inquiry, journalling, meditation, sharing and exercises. We invite in new intentions to align with living our fullest and brightest lives.

What does it mean for us when we come together as women and hold space for each other? To have the courage to show up just as we are. To create a safe container where we are invited to truly shine our brightest. To share from our hearts and evoke a deep alchemy within ourselves, and while courageously and vulnerably sharing our own truth, something we may say might be the seed of wisdom that lands in the heart of another woman, to inspire, to support, to empower. 

It means support. It means connection. It means inclusiveness and sisterhood. It means freedom. 

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This month, we explore the theme of Self Mastery: “Every choice I make is aligned with my truth..

Capricorn's energy lends us the perfect balance between discipline and devotion, and developing self-love and self-work as a sacred practice. We often schedule our days based around “shoulds” and “have to’s”, and the beauty of this particular theme, Self-Mastery: Every Choice I Make is Aligned with My Truth, is the opportunity present to explore a different way to navigate through life.

From personal experience, I’ll share that often I feel beholden to others expectations and needs. Whether familial or work-related, it’s easy to get in the trap of having to do, act, or be a certain way. The issue here is that when we don’t make choices aligned with what’s true for us on a psycho-spiritual level, we lose our own alignment which drains us of energy, inspiration, and flow. This especially applies to the small, seemingly unimportant decisions we make daily. When we make these tiny choices out of being beholden to others, “shoulds” or “have to’s” regarding a social expectation, or a limiting belief system we build ourselves a cage without meaning to.

The action we are invited to explore this new moon is simply this:

Slow down,

Take a deep breath,

Check in by asking...

“Is this in my highest alignment?”

Then be courageous enough to admit the truth to yourself and stand in it, even if it doesn't make rational sense.

For this new moon, we dare you to give yourself one full lunar cycle, 28.5 days, to explore what happens when you live this way? What changes? What opens up for you?

Self-Mastery requires unplugging from the matrix, or the conditioned “conventional” way of doing things. With devotion and love to life and the spiritual journey you are on, we invite you to trust that you can move through life 100% aligned with what is in your highest good.

It will take practice, surrender, trust, and courage to deviate from your standard way of operating. Together, as a sisterhood, let’s find the courage knowing that we are together. We are paving a path that is not riddled with martyrdom, but instead a path where everyone experiences joy and success.

Welcome, sister, to the new moon in Capricorn.

The New Moon Bright Sister Circle, hosted by Kylie, is all about connecting, checking in with and holding space for each other, so we can align our actions & rise together in sisterhood. This is our safe and sacred space for sisterhood connection. If you are a women, or identify as one, you are welcome here, to be seen, be heard, and be held exactly as you are. No experience necessary. Just a willingness to show up just as you are. A safe and supportive environment were you can be held in connection. 

Generally, circles go something like this:
We will sit in circle, with invitation to share. We will open with a meditation, and exploration of the theme. We will then journey through some enquiry, journalling, do an exercise and a ritual, with further opportunity to share, and close with a meditation and a reading. 

This month, there will be a little outdoor and indoor, so bring what you need to feel comfortable in the alpine summer night air, and for inside, on the floor, in our circle.

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