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New Moon Bright Sister Circle ~ Sagittarius: The Heroine’s Journey

  • Bright Yoga Space 215 Mt Buffalo Retreat Porepunkah, Vcitoria Australia (map)
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The New Moon is such a powerful time to come together as a community! Each new moon, we gather in circle (currently online) to hold space for each other as women. All are invited to explore the theme for the month with inquiry, journalling, meditation, sharing and exercises. We invite in new intentions to align with living our fullest and brightest lives.

What does it mean for us when we come together as women and hold space for each other? To have the courage to show up just as we are. To create a safe container where we are invited to truly shine our brightest. To share from our hearts and evoke a deep alchemy within ourselves, and while courageously and vulnerably sharing our own truth, something we may say might be the seed of wisdom that lands in the heart of another woman, to inspire, to support, to empower. 

It means support. It means connection. It means inclusiveness and sisterhood. It means freedom. 


This month, we explore the theme of The Heroine’s Journey: “I am the one I’ve been waiting for..

When asked about the Hero’s Journey in relation to women, Joseph Campbell responded...

“Women don’t need to make the journey. In the whole mythological tradition, the woman is [already] there. All she has to do is to realize that she’s the place that people are trying to get to.”

Sister, have you ever felt incomplete or not enough? Have you ever found yourself waiting for another to see you so you can truly see yourself?  What about waiting for someone to come and rescue or complete you?  Have you ever felt that there is some place far off in the distance that you must get to in order to relax and fully enjoy who you are? 

We tend to forget that we, as women, are channels of divine nectar, the sweet source from which all life is born. We are the beginning and the end.  Life begins with a woman gestating and giving birth, and it ends with us returning our bodies to Mother Earth. We are made in her image, and we hold her power, truth, and wholeness within us.  This is the great mystery and secret that all hero’s go seeking -- oneness with the source of all life  -- so that the hero can channel the power, wisdom, and grace of the universe to help him support the ones he cares for most. 

As women, we hold the profound secret of life, creation, and oneness within us, but we forget. We forget because we've inherited through our ancestral lines, thousands of years of conditioning that women’s power is insignificant in relation to men’s. This, however, is the biggest misunderstanding and distortion of humanities history. This illusion has caused generations of harm for both men and women. There are various effects resulting from this cause. One of which is that women were taught that we need to “prove” ourselves worthy of love, pleasure, safety, loyalty and adoration.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  We are love, and we are the answer to all the emptiness and confusion that may present itself in and around us. 

We are the answer we have been waiting for. We are the wise eyes to see and we are the medicine our world needs. 

For this New Moon in Sagittarius (a fire sign), we will remember that we are the heroines, and our journey is both an inward journey and an outward journey of remembrance. 

You are already whole. You are the one you have been waiting for. 

Note: The Heroine's Journey is inspired by Joseph Campbell, a world-renounced mythologist, and his concept of the Hero's Journey. He studied myths all over the world and found a cycle; a journey that they all go on that follows a story arch. Then, Maureen Murdock created a female-centric version about the healing of the wounding of the feminine that exists deep within our culture. Murdock explains, "The feminine journey is about going down deep into soul, healing and reclaiming, while the masculine journey is up and out, to spirit.”

The New Moon Bright Sister Circle, hosted by Kylie, is all about connecting, checking in with and holding space for each other, so we can align our actions & rise together in sisterhood. This is our safe and sacred space for sisterhood connection. If you are a women, or identify as one, you are welcome here, to be seen, be heard, and be held exactly as you are. No experience necessary. Just a willingness to show up just as you are. A safe and supportive environment were you can be held in connection. 

Generally, circles go something like this:
We will sit in circle, with invitation to share. We will open with a meditation, and exploration of the theme. We will then journey through some enquiry, journalling, do an exercise and a ritual, with further opportunity to share, and close with a meditation and a reading. 

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