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Bright Sister Circle Full Moon Check-in

FULL MOON CHECK-IN Facebook Event Cover.png

This Full Moon Virtual Circle check-in call is all about connecting, checking in with each other and our intentions, raising questions or sharing about what might have come up for you in the past few weeks since the new moon (if you are a subscription member or attended our prior new moon circle).

The full moon is a potent time to reassess your intentions and to see if you actions are in alignment. It is also an opportunity to chart a new course if need be. One that will serve you in your evolution. Let's rise together.

This Circle will be online via Zoom and is $10 a ticket. If you are a BSC Haven Member, please go to the Haven to book in using your discount code. New & Full moon circles are free for Haven members.

20 July

New Moon Bright Sister Circle ~ Ancestral Healing