About Kylie
Hi, I'm Kylie. It's great to have you here.
Yoga has changed my life. Yep, it's true. I discovered yoga when I was in my early 20's living in Canada and living the high life. Yet, something was always missing. I had some deep wounds I didn't even realise where affecting me the way they were and in essence, impacting my quality of life.
It was a potent union when I discovered it, and I fell in love. It shone a light into the darker places of my journey that I hadn't realised needed healing, and it has taken me far beyond the physical benefits and deep into a hugely transformational journey. It's from this place, I am honoured to be the conduit for these incredible teachings.
I love to teach in a style that is alignment based hatha vinyasa yoga, guided by breath, and through the gateway of awareness walking the bridge of breath into the body. I really enjoy adding some suggestive personal enquiry, intention setting, creative sequencing and perspective changing concepts to my classes.
I am super passionate about the transformative nature of yoga and women’s work. I enjoy holding space for people to experience big shifts and transformation.
I look forward to welcoming you to the portal of your yoga mat, let’s fly together.
More about Kylie Bertuch
Kylie has been a student of yoga for more than 15 years and teaching for 11 years. As the co-creator of Bright Yoga Space, Kylie brings her embodied knowledge and experience to you as a conduit of Tantrik Hatha Yoga.
As an experienced teacher with more than 1500 hrs of training both overseas and locally, Kylie is fascinated and inspired by the broader concepts of what the life-changing practice of yoga has to offer, both on and off the mat. The yoga practices she is most passionate about are alignment-based hatha vinyasa, yin and restorative, interweaving pranayama, meditation, myth and mudra, energetics, and enjoys adding some suggestive personal enquiry, and perspective changing concepts to her classes, courses, workshops and retreats (both in person and online).
The transformative power of yoga has been life-changing for Kylie, and with these tools alongside women’s work, Kylie is called to hold space for deep and transformative experiences. Kylie is also a Women’s Work Facilitator, Reiki Master (Usui Method), nature lover, and mother of two powerful little women.
Kylie started practicing yoga in Canada in 2005 and fell in love. Living in such a rich melting pot of studios and different styles of practice, she found herself loving yoga as a major part of her lifestyle in Whistler BC for 4 years where she was training and teaching in her life long passion of skiing. Kylie moved back to Australia in 2009 and planted her feet in the valley below the Victoria Alpine ranges and in 2011. Kylie completed her Yoga Alliance certified 200 teacher training in The Daintree, QLD. She loved every second of that course. It was life changing.
After working in the hospitality & tourism industry for 20 years, Kylie decided to branch out and start her own business teaching yoga. Kylie started teaching in Jan 2011 and returned from Bali in Nov 2014 having completed her 300 hour level 2 Yoga Alliance Certified Teaching Training in Power Vinyasa Yoga.
In 2016, Kylie added prenatal yoga teacher training to her studies along with restorative yoga while pregnant with her first child. Having a baby puts a whole new perspective on things! Kylie has since had her second baby and can vouch for the fact that yoga empowered her to have two wonderfully positive pregnancies and natural births.
In 2018, Kylie explored another 50 hr advanced yoga teacher training called Aligning the 5 bodies with Irene Ais of Om People Yoga for which we focused the 5 koshas (sheaths of being). This was an incredible training and has added a deeper layer to her offerings as a teacher. Kylie had the pleasure of resitting this training again in Melbourne under the invitation of her teacher and it has solidified these teachings and expanded her offering even more.
Here is a small insight into how yoga has helped changed Kylie’s life. She is physically stronger, have less health issues, she is more emotionally balanced and aware, she is less stressed and am more able to manage stress when it does arise, she is more mentally able to focus on what is important and let go of what no longer serves her for the better. Kylie has healed wounds from life’s not so pretty lessons. Kylie has become more mindful, more compassionate and takes better care of her body. Kylie is empowered to share what she has learned. The list goes on.
It is for these reasons and many more that Kylie teaches yoga. To help people find more happiness in their busy lives, to find balance in their often fast paced, stressed out lives, to find more self confidence, to reconnect to their bodies, find self love and to generally feel better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Yoga is about love. It is about reconnecting to the purest version of yourself, where there is only love. Learning how to love ourselves again means we can really love all others from the rich place of compassion, authenticity and connection.
Official trainings have included:
500+ Hours of Hatha, Ashtanga and Forrest Yoga influenced Power Vinyasa Yoga with Julia McCabe Yoga
Pre-Natal & Restorative Yoga with Bliss Baby Yoga
120 Hour advanced Training with Irene Ais on energy anatomy and the 5 koshas, and ‘We Are Vibration’ mantra.
140 hour training on pranayama and philosophy, and Shakta Tantra with Uma Neeve.
Circle Initiation 2020 and Sacred Facilitator 2022 Trainings through Global Sisterhood
Sound Healing Level 1 & 2 with Life Changing Energy
Reiki 1 & 2 with Annette Beuth, and Reiki Master with Lisa Powers (both Dr Mikao Usui lineage)
AromaTouch Technique Trained practitioner
Kylie is a Yoga Alliance ERYT200 and Yoga Australia Level 2 (500 Hour RYT) Registered Teacher. Kylie is passionate about spreading the love of yoga in her local and global communities.